The Teitan Press. Scholarly Books on Aleister Crowley and Western Occult Traditions.
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Press, a small press devoted to publishing scholarly studies on the history and philosophy of Western Esotericism and New Religious Movements, with a particular emphasis on the works of Frederick Hockley (1809-1885) and of Aleister Crowley (1875-1947).
All Teitan Press books are printed on acid-free paper and bound and printed in the USA.
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The Teitan Press is Pleased to Announce the Release of Our Latest
Metaphysical Spiritual Philosophy. Discourses Through The Magic Mirror With Eltesmo and Emma Louisa Leigh
by Frederick Hockley.
Edited & Introduced by Alan Thorogood.
The first ever publication of two Frederick Hockley manuscripts, with an authoritative Introduction by Alan Thorogood, typeset transcriptions, and a black and white photo facsimile of the original manuscripts. The works are of particular significance, as unlike many of Hockley's manuscripts which reproduce the work of others, these record his own occult endeavours, chiefly scrying, and their results. The first manuscript is in two parts: Metaphysical Spiritual Philosophy. A series of discourses delivered through the medium of a Magic Mirror by the Spirit Eltesmo (&) The Practical Laws of Life and the Reward which Obedience to them issues to the Soul. According to Hockley Metaphysical Spiritual Philosophy is a group of short writings on life in the spirit world etc. received from his Spirit guide, Eltesmo, during a working in October 1857 during which Hockley's friend Henry Lea acted as the exorcist and Emma Louisa Leigh as the speculatrix. Unlike most of his own material, Hockley had stated his intention to publish this work but never did so. The second piece: The Practical Laws of Life and the Reward which Obedience to them issues to the Soul is a short philosophical/theological work. The second manuscript E.L.L. MS is a lengthy work in which Hockley records a series of invocations of the spirit Eltesmo, and the communications that he received therefrom through the mediumistic abilities of his teenage "speculatrix" Emma Louisa Leigh. The first invocation is dated 5th October 1858, at Limehouse, and the last on the 13th March 1860. It seems almost certain that these were Hockley's own private records of the workings, and were not intended for publication.
The Introduction and Transcriptions are followed by a 72 leaf (144 page - mostly single-sided) facsimile of the original Hockley manuscript, printed on special coated paper that gives a photograph-like quality to the reproduction.
As is now well known, Frederick Hockley (1808-1885) was an occultist and freemason whose interests included scrying, ritual magic, alchemy and spiritualism. In later life was associated with the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. Hockley's peers considered him to be one of the great occult scholars of his time in fact he was held in such high regard by one of the founders of the Golden Dawn, W. Wynn Westcott, that he posthumously claimed Hockley as one of the Order's most outstanding Adepts.
The book is a hardcover, Small quarto. (6 3/4 x 8 3/4 inches: approx. 17.1cm x 22.2cm), xviii pp. [Introduction] + 70 pp. [Transcription] + 144pp [Facsimile of Manuscript]. Bound in high quality black cloth, with a gilt design after Hockley stamped on the front cover, blind rules; gilt-lettered spine. Black "coffin-silk" endpapers. B/w illustrations.
Edition limited to 650 hand-numbered copies.(61789) Price: US $60.00
A Limited Number of Copies of Twenty-Five of our Earlier Releases are Still
The Pauline Art of Solomon
Transcribed and with Additions by Frederick Hockley.
Edited & Introduced by Alan Thorogood.
A significant new edition of this well-known magical text, comprising an Introduction by Alan Thorogood, a typeset transcription of Hockley's manuscript, and a black and white photo facsimile of the original Hockley manuscript. Traditionally, The Pauline Art, was one of five books (along with the Goetia, Theurgia Goetia, Ars Almadel and Ars Notoria) which were gathered together to form the compendium Lemegeton, Clavicula Salomonis Rex or the Little Key of Solomon the King which seems to have first circulated in manuscript form at the very end of the seventeenth century. This edition reproduces a transcription of a 1715 manuscript of The Pauline Art which was made by Frederick Hockley in 1838. The Pauline Art is in two sections, the first of which concerns the spirits of the twenty-four hours of the day, whose functions are "to do all things that is Attributed to the 7 Planets," their seals, and method of conjuration, whilst the second is concerned with the angels of the 360 degrees of the zodiac, with the primary purpose of determining the names and invoking the guardian angel or genius. Either deliberately or otherwise the text of the Hockley manuscript is abbreviated, and the accompanying diagrams for the most part incomplete. Thorogood addresses these issues in his Introduction and transcription, either supplying the wanting material, or indicating where it can be readily found. Importantly Thorogood provides a detailed history of the text, identifying many of its major sources (some for the first time), as well as offering corrections to a number of significant errors that had crept into the manuscript version over the years. The Introduction, Transcription, and Appendix with corrections are followed by a 144 page facsimile of the original Hockley manuscript, printed on special coated paper that gives a photograph-like quality to the reproduction.
The book is a hardcover, Small quarto. (6 3/4 x 8 3/4 inches: approx. 17.1cm x 22.2cm), xxiv pp. [Introduction] + 64 pp. [Transcription] + 144pp [Facsimile of Manuscript]. Bound in high quality black cloth, with a gilt design after Hockley stamped on the front cover, blind rules; gilt-lettered spine. Black "coffin-silk" endpapers. Sewn. B/w illustrations.
Edition limited to 650 hand-numbered copies. The first 100 copies sold come with a book-plate signed by Alan Thorogood on the front pastedown. (55360) Price: US $60.00
Of the Arte Goetia
By Colin Campbell.
Of the Arte Goetia is a significant new study of the text known as The Goetia by Colin Campbell, author of The Magic Seal of Dr. John Dee. In this work Campbell examines the evolution of "The Goetia", from the proto-Goetia of Wier's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, through the first English translation in Scot's Discoverie of Witchcraft, and on to the English-language manuscripts from which most modern editions are drawn. Campbell reproduces the significant passages of each of these sources side-by-side, highlighting their differences, and allowing him to correct a number of errors, lacunae or redactions that the comparisons reveal. His researches also shed light on a number of obscure internal references, the meaning of which only becomes apparent when the viewed in the context of the historical development of the texts. Whilst largely an historical/textual exploration, Campbell also includes a short chapter in which he reflects on approaches to working with the forces of the Goetia.
There are two Editions:
Standard Edition (Pictured left). Hardcover. Small quarto (6 3/4 x 8 3/4 inches: approx. 17.1cm x 22.2cm). viii + 280pp. Bound in high quality black cloth, with a gilt design stamped on the front cover, blind rules; gilt-lettered spine. Sewn, printed on acid free paper. Black endpapers. Diagrams and seals. Limited to 720 hand-numbered copies. Standard edition $ 60.00
Special Edition (Pictured right). Hardcover. Small quarto (6 3/4 x 8 3/4 inches: approx. 17.1cm x 22.2cm). viii + 280pp. Bound in high quality black cloth, with a gilt design stamped on the front cover, blind rules; gilt-lettered spine. Heavy black cloth slip-case. Sewn, printed on acid free paper. Black endpapers. Diagrams and seals. Limited to 72 copies in slipcase, each signed by the author and with an original hand-drawn seal of one of the Spirits of Goetia housed in a pocket at the rear of the volume. These copies designated by the name and number of the Spirit . SORRY - THE SPECIAL EDITION IS SOLD OUT
Ars Notoria. The Notary Art of Solomon
Translated by Robert Turner, Transcribed and with Additions by Frederick Hockley.
Edited & Introduced by Alan Thorogood and with an Essay by Robin Cousins.
An important new edition of the Ars Notoria, the well-known mediaeval magical work (often termed a grimoire) that was designed to equip the practitioner of the magical arts with "knowledge of every science, of all arts and all learning ... in other words everything that is within human capacity to know." This Teitan Press edition is drawn from a manuscript by Frederick Hockley (1809-1885), which itself is based on the 1657 edition by Robert Turner. The volume begins with an Introduction by Alan Thorogood, in which he examines the history of the Ars Notoria, the different versions of the text, and the context in which Hockley prepared his manuscript version. This is followed by "The Philomath," a significant 24 page biographical study (with bibliography) of Robert Turner, the original translator of the Ars Notoria and a major figure in post-Elizabethan British occultism, about whom little has been known until now. Then there is a complete transcription of Hockley's manuscript of the Ars Notoria, edited with explanatory footnotes and in comparison with other versions of the text (including Turner's and the Latin critical edition). The book ends with a 140 page facsimile of the original Hockley manuscript, printed on special coated paper that gives a photograph like quality to the reproduction.
The book is a hardcover, Small quarto. (6 3/4 x 8 3/4 inches: approx. 17.1cm x 22.2cm), lviiipp [Introduction & Essay] + 100pp. [transcription] + 140pp [reproduction of MS]. Bound in high quality black cloth, with a gilt design after Hockley stamped on the front cover, blind rules; gilt-lettered spine. Black endpapers. Sewn. B/w illustrations.
Edition limited to 650 hand-numbered copies. The first 100 copies sold come with a book-plate signed by Thorogood and Cousins. (52296) Price: US $60.00
The Aleister Crowley Desk Reference (2nd Edition: Revised & Enlarged).
by J. Edward Cornelius and A. Edward Drylie (Contributing Editor).
Comprising nearly 400 pages and many thousands of listings, this new edition of The Aleister Crowley Desk Reference is the most comprehensive alphabetical guide to the writings of "the Beast" ever created. While its primary purpose is to allow the reader to trace the various appearances in print of any published work by Aleister Crowley, it is much more than a simple cross-reference, and the listings are enlivened with bibliographical and historical detail that is sure to delight and amuse even the most jaded Crowleyphile. The sometimes baffling system of "Liber" numbers and classifications are clearly laid out in a series of Appendicies. The principal editor of the text, J. Edward Cornelius, is of course well known in Thelemic circles, not least for his editorship of the "Red Flame" series of journals in which "The Aleister Crowley Desk Reference" first appeared. Contributing editor, Andrew Drylie, is also an authority on Crowley's works and was co-author of the "Crowley Cross-Index" (1976), the first modern work to systematically explore the publishing history of his texts.
The Aleister Crowley Desk Reference is available in two formats, a hardcover limited edition and a softcover limited edition
The hardcover is 8vo. (Octavo: 9 x 6 inches: approx. 22.9cm x 15.2), [vi] + 382pp. Black cloth lettered in gilt on spine & front board. B/w illustrations. Black moire "coffin silk" endpapers. Sewn, printed on acid-free paper.
Edition limited to 93 numbered copies each containing a bookplate signed by the editors.. New Book. Fine (no dust jacket issued). (45749) Price: SORRY - SOLD OUT
The softcover is 8vo. (Octavo: 9 x 6 inches: approx. 22.9cm x 15.2), [vi] + 382pp. Color laminated wrappers. B/w illustrations. Sewn, printed on acid-free paper.
Edition limited to 418 numbered, the first hundred of which include a bookplate signed by the editors.. New Book. Fine (no dust jacket issued). (45747) Price: US $30.00
Dr. Rudd's Nine Hierarchies of Angels.
by Frederick Hockley, John Dee et al. Edited with an Introduction by Alan Thorogood.
The first ever facsimile publication of this manuscript version of Dr. Rudd's Nine Hierarchies of Angels which was compiled by Frederick Hockley during the 1830s. The manuscript comprises three distinct but connected texts; "Dr Rudd’s Nine Hierarchies of Angels" (a work in part at least derived from a seventeenth century manuscript "Janua Magica Reserata"), the English translations of John Dee’s angelic keys, and the invocations of the angels relating to the 'table of the earth.' The book includes a comprehensive Introduction by Alan Thorogood, followed by a typeset transcription of the text of the manuscript, with explanatory footnotes, etc., and a facsimile of the original Hockley manuscript with color preliminary pages. As is now well known, Frederick Hockley (1808-1885) was an occultist and freemason whose interests included scrying, ritual magic, alchemy and spiritualism. In later life Hockley was associated with the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and his peers considered him to be one of the great occult scholars of his time. One of the founders of the Golden Dawn, W. Wynn Westcott, held Hockley in such high regard that he posthumously and imaginatively claimed Hockley as one of the Order's most outstanding Adepts.
The book is a hardcover, Small quarto. (6 3/4 x 8 3/4 inches: approx. 17.1cm x 22.2cm), xxxiv [introduction] + 54pp. [transcription] + 98pp [reproduction of MS]. Bound in high quality black cloth, with a gilt design after Hockley stamped on the front cover, blind rules; gilt-lettered spine. Black moire "coffin silk" endpapers. Sewn. B/w & color plates.
ISBN 978-0-933429-37-6. Edition limited to 880 numbered copies. The first 100 copies sold come with a book-plate signed by the editor. (45748) Price: US $60.00
A Book of Sketches.
by Aleister Crowley With an Introduction by Keith Richmond and David Tibet.
A Book of Sketches reproduces in full a series of colour and black and white sketches, mostly of women, from a sketchbook utilised by Aleister Crowley from the late 1930s through the early 1940s that is now preserved in the Yorke collection in London. While the 45 plates include a number of finished drawings, most are unpolished designs, possibly "roughs" for later more detailed compositions. Although hardly examples of "high art," they offer a fascinating glimpse of Crowley's process of imagining his art, and the varied styles with which he experimented. Several of the portraits are identifiable as known lovers of Crowley's, notably Catherine Falconer and "Alice" (probably Alice Sutherland - his mistress for more than three years), whilst at least one other appears to be a representation of his ill-fated wife, Maria (“Marie”) Teresa de Miramar. With a five page Introduction by Crowley art aficionados David Tibet and Keith Richmond.
The book is a hardcover, landscape format 8vo. (6 x 9 inches: approx. 15.2 x 22.9cm), xii + [45 plates each printed on rectos only]. Fine black cloth spine with gilt lettering, charcoal papered boards with gilt title and facsimile Crowley signature to front board, full colour plates, charcoal end pages. Sewn, printed on heavy weight acid-free art paper. 45 full page plates.
ISBN 978-0-933429-35-2. Edition limited to 418 numbered copies. Price: US $65.00
The True and Perfect Preparation of the Philosopher's Stone, by the Brotherhood of the Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross.
by Sigmund Richter [Sincerus Renatus] Edited with an Introduction by Dr. R. A. Gilbert.
The first English language publication of The True and Perfect Preparation of the Philosopher's Stone, by the Brotherhood of the Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross, an Alchemical / Rosicrucian work by Sigmund Richter that was originally published in Breslau in 1710. In appearance the work is very much that of an alchemical textbook, describing (in the symbolic / chemical terminology of the spagyrical adept) a series of operations which culminate in the creation of the Philosopher's Stone and "all that is necessary to the Work Ordinis Minoris and Majoris." As described by the editor, Dr. R. A. Gilbert, "The book has two distinct but related concerns. First, it sets out the stages by which the Brothers of the [Roscicrucian] Order can succeed in preparing, making and applying the Philosopher's Stone, but at the same time it presents a sub-text that guides the brethren into a realisation that there is a more subtle purpose to the text. It is also a guide to a parallel, spiritual change that takes place within the practitioner as he progresses with his task: material transmutation is accompanied by spiritual regeneration." The translation was probably made between 1950 and 1960 for J.W. Hamilton-Jones (1887-1965), one of a small circle of Rosicrucian enthusiasts who had founded a very private "Order of Rose +", and editor of two alchemical works - "The Epistles of Ali Puli" (1951) and Bacstrom's "Alchemical Anthology" (1960) and publisher of a translation of Dr. Dee's "Hieroglyphic Monad" (1947). Includes an appendix "Laws of the Brotherhood" as published by Sincerus Renatus, and a seven page historical Introduction by Dr. R.A. Gilbert.
The book is a hardcover, Small quarto. (6 3/4 x 8 3/4 inches: approx. 17.1cm x 22.2cm), xiv + 82pp. Quality red cloth with gilt facsimile alchemical design and blind stamping to upper board, gilt titling to spine, b&w frontispiece. Sewn, printed on acid-free art paper. Black "coffin-silk" moire endpapers.
ISBN 978-0-933429-34-5. Edition limited to 500 numbered copies. Price: US $45.00
The Art of Rosaleen Norton with Poems by Gavin Greenless.
by Rosaleen Norton & Gavin Greenlees, With an Introduction by Keith Richmond.
The first US edition (and the first-ever complete facsimile edition) of this magnificent book of occult-inspired artist Rosaleen Norton's drawings, with poems by Norton and her lover Gavin Greenlees.
The original edition of The Art of Rosaleen Norton was published in Sydney, Australia, in 1952 and immediately sparked a furore on account of its unabashedly occult and erotic imagery, and its iconoclastic jabs at the status quo and the authorities who defended it.
The artist, Rosaleen Norton, was no stranger to controversy. Born in New Zealand in 1917, she moved to Australia with her family when still a child and began drawing at the age of three, going on to study art at the prestigious East Sydney Technical College after leaving school. She worked briefly for a weekly newspaper, but soon abandoned regular employment and commenced a succession of part-time and temporary jobs which enabled her to devote herself both to her art and to her growing fascination with the occult. An accomplished artist and natural rebel, her bohemian lifestyle, unconventional beliefs, and her challenging and often sexually-charged artwork attracted the condemnation of moral conservatives. Despite previous exhibitions of her work in Adelaide and Sydney proceeding without problem, police raided an exhibition of Norton’s art in Victoria in 1949 and she was subsequently charged with exhibiting “obscene articles.” Norton won that case, but following its release in 1952 her book The Art of Rosaleen Norton was soon banned from importation into the USA on the grounds of obscenity and also had a restricted circulation in Australia, with a court ruling that some of the plates were "obscene and an offence to chastity and delicacy." The publisher could only legally sell copies The Art of Rosaleen Norton that had the offending plates "blacked out." More arrests and charges against Norton followed, culminating in 1960 with the destruction, by judicial order, of several of her paintings. Prior to that no other serious Australian artist had ever been subject to such outrageous bureaucratic vandalism. The popular focus on Norton’s occultism and the sexual nature of some of her paintings meant that her artistic talents were largely ignored. Most knew her only as “the Witch of Kings Cross,” one of Sydney’s more colourful eccentrics. She died in December 1979, leaving the world a rich and unusual artistic legacy that is only now starting to be appreciated.
The Art of Rosaleen Norton was reprinted in Sydney in 1982, but with a number of changes and omissions. This Teitan Press edition is the first US publication of the book, and the first reprint to include a complete facsimile of the original 1952 edition. The facsimile is prefaced by a new 40 page historical Introduction by Keith Richmond who played a key role in organizing the “Occult Visions of Rosaleen Norton” retrospective of Rosaleen Norton’s art that was held in Sydney in 2000, and has also edited a collection of her short stories, Three Macabre Stories (1996 & 2010), and a collection of her magical and autobiographical writings Thorn in the Flesh (2009).
The book is a hardcover, large quarto (12.25 x 9.25 inches: approx. 31 x 24cm), 128pp. Quality red cloth binding with gilt design by Norton and titling on the upper board, and gilt titling to spine. Sewn, printed on heavy weight acid-free art paper. Black and white frontispiece, and 31 mostly full page black & white plates, plus several smaller drawings. Colour endpapers with printed design by Norton. Glossy dust jacket.
ISBN: 978-0-933429-34-5. Edition limited to 650 numbered copies. Price: US $95.00
A number of people have asked about the specific differences between the the Teitan Press edition of The Art of Rosaleen Norton and the First and Second Australian editions (1952 and 1982 respectively). A PDF with a short explanation of the main differences between the editions can be found at: The_Art_of_Rosaleen_Norton_Editions
A Magus Among the Adepts. Essays and Addresses.
by William Wynn Westcott, Edited and Introduced by Dr. R.A. Gilbert.
A Magus Among the Adepts is a wholly new collection of thirty fugitive and unpublished papers by William Wynn Westcott.
In the public mind Westcott is associated primarily with the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, but that magical Order was the child of Westcott's life and work as a Rosicrucian, and thus the twelve papers that comprise the first section of this book are drawn from his magical, alchemical and Rosicrucian writings – including three unpublished addresses to members of the Golden Dawn, and his correspondence concerning Mathers and Crowley, brought together here for the first time. Other aspects of Western Esotericism – symbolism, divination, Kabbalah, the Mysteries and Freemasonry – are taken up in the thirteen papers that make up the following three sections. In all of them Westcott’s facility with his varied subject matter – Gnostic doctrines; Zodiacal signs; Egyptian Mysteries; Kabalistic Cosmogony; and the Number 666, among much else – and his mastery over its content, is clear. His deep knowledge of folklore and mythology is demonstrated in essays on the Basilisk, the Mandrake and "Mystical Animals of Antiquity," whilst the final section of this collection contains two remarkable and entertaining essays – "Twelve Years’ Experiences of a London Coroner" and "The Coroner and his Medical Neighbours" – in which Westcott gives his personal memories and reflections of his professional career. His life as a whole is encapsulated in a new biographical introduction by Dr. R. A. Gilbert, who has drawn upon a wealth of contemporary and personal archives to provide a rounded and detailed portrait of every facet of this complex and enigmatic man.
The book is a hardcover, octavo size (9 x 6 inches, approx. 23.5 x 15.2cm), xxii + 242pp. Quality black cloth binding with gilt facsimile signature on upper board, gilt titling to spine. Sewn, printed on acid-free paper. Black and white frontispiece, index. Glossy dust jacket.
ISBN: 9780933429321. Edition limited to 650 numbered copies. Price: US $50.00
The Secrets of The Kaula Circle: A Tale of Fictitious People Faithfully Recounting Strange Rites Still Practised by this Cult. Followed by a translation of a very old MS. on The Science of Health.
by Elizabeth Sharpe, Introduced by Dr. David Templeman.
The Secrets of the Kaula Circle, originally published in 1936, was not only one of the first books to introduce the secret Indian rituals associated with the Kaula or "Tantric" family to a Western audience, but was also almost certainly the first book of its kind to be written by a woman.
The author, Elizabeth Sharpe, chose to address the subject by means of a fictional narrative, and the result is this intriguing novel, which blends speculation, hearsay and sometimes breathless storytelling with passages of real insight; the latter drawn from Sharpe’s own acute observations, her translations from Sanskrit literature, and perhaps from her own personal experience. Sharpe had already published a number of well-received studies on Indian history and religions before the appearance of this book, but she was by no means uncritical in her enthusiasms, and it is clear that while the Kaula path fascinated her she also found it both distasteful and fraught with danger. "The Secrets of the Kaula Circle" was therefore also intended to serve as a warning, particularly to women, not to be drawn into the web of practice that she described. Her misgivings with regard to these practices were heightened by the apparent adoption of some of them by Western occultists, notably Aleister Crowley, whose person and activities she described in most unflattering terms. Although The Secrets of the Kaula Circle did not achieve a wide circulation, a copy did find its way into the hands of "the Beast," who professed outrage at the thinly-veiled and unflattering portrait of himself, and considered suing the author.
This Teitan Press edition of The Secrets of the Kaula Circle includes the complete text of the original 1936 edition, along with a new index, and an Introduction by Dr. David Templeman, an adjunct scholar at the Monash Asia Institute at Monash University with more than 40 years of experience in the study of Tibetan and related religious traditions.
The book is a hardcover, octavo size (9 x 6 inches, approx. 23.5 x 15.2cm), xxx + 98pp. Quality red cloth binding with gilt Sri Yantra design on upper board, and gilt titling to spine. Sewn, printed on acid-free paper. Black and white frontispiece, index. Glossy dust jacket.
ISBN: 9780933429314. Edition limited to 500 numbered copies. Price: US $39.50
Foundation Letters and Teachings.
by Brother XII (Edward Arthur Wilson), With a Foreword by John Oliphant.
Foundation Letters and Teachings is the principle published work of Edward Arthur Wilson (1878-1934), the English occultist more widely known as Brother XII. As the self-proclaimed “Messenger of the Masters” and successor to Madame Blavatsky, Wilson established the Aquarian Foundation, an organization which attracted thousands of followers in the latter part of the 1920s and early 1930s, a number of whom moved to the headquarters of his alternative community on Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Though his rise to prominence was spectacular, Brother XII’s fall from grace was equally dramatic, and the Aquarian Foundation fell apart amidst a series of sensational court cases featuring charges of financial misconduct and allegations of free love. Despite the breakup of his original colony, Brother XII continued his occult work on a group of nearby islands in the Strait of Georgia, where he and his mistress, a sinister practitioner of ritual magic named Madame Z, subjected his disciples to the most extreme
physical hardships, ostensibly for the purpose of furthering their spiritual development. This so-called City of Refuge collapsed in 1932 when a group of disciples revolted against their mistreatment and brought legal actions against their former leader for the return of the monies they had contributed to him. In the aftermath, Brother XII and his paramour wrecked the settlement and fled with a fortune in gold, leaving a legacy of bitterness and broken dreams — and a legend that endures to this day.
Brother XII was regarded by his adherents as a mystic and a magus, a man with genuine spiritual and occult gifts. In one celebrated incident, he is said to have reduced court proceedings to a shambles when he used his “powers” to paralyze the chief witness against him and to disable the opposing attorney, even toppling a row of spectators in the gallery. A complex, often contradictory individual, Brother XII is said by some to have succumbed to the perils that beset the path of Initiation, although the mystery that surrounds him and his motives will probably never be unraveled.
Originally published in 1927, Foundation Letters and Teachings is a collection of Brother XII’s writings, including eighteen early letters, seven articles that lay out the fundamentals of his Teachings, and five periodical articles, four of which appeared in The Occult Review in 1926, and generated enormous comment and controversy. Though the book was primarily intended for a Theosophical audience, its contents have a broader reach, and present Brother XII as a legitimate and determined spiritual teacher.
This Teitan Press edition of Foundation Letters and Teachings is the first reprint of this rare work and includes the full text of the first edition, corrected and reset, together with a comprehensive Foreword by John Oliphant, Brother XII’s biographer and the foremost authority on his life.
The book is a hardcover, octavo size (9 x 6 inches, approx. 23.5 x 15.2cm), xxxii + 168 pp. Blue cloth binding, with gilt titling etc. to the spine and design on the front cover. Sewn, printed on acid-free paper. Black and white frontispiece photo-portrait. Glossy dust jacket. ISBN: 9780933429307. Edition limited to 500 numbered copies. Price: US $39.50
Clavis Arcana Magica.
by Frederick Hockley, With an Introduction by Alan Thorogood.
Clavis Arcana Magica is an unusual text for Hockley in that it is largely concerned with what might be considered "black magic." As Alan Thorogood describes in his Introduction, it gives instruction for the performance of a number of magical workings, the details of which were said to have been obtained for Hockley via his seer Emma, during a series of scrying operations undertaken between 1853 and 1856. The workings are preceded by instructions including the form of the "call to the crystal," the exorcism and the discharge. The first working outlines a method to call the spirits of five material substances or organisms for the purpose of receiving cognate visions, the second is a variety of praestigia for the revivification of animal as well as plant species, the third outlines the construction of a talisman which permits the operator to enter the “spirit state” while asleep, and the fourth is necromantic ritual said to be "of marvellous power and force." This first publication of the text comprises an Introduction by Alan Thorogood, followed by a typeset transcription of the text of the manuscript, with explanatory footnotes, etc., and a facsimile of the original Hockley manuscript.
Frederick Hockley (1809-1885), was an occultist and freemason whose interests included scrying, ritual magic, alchemy and spiritualism. In later life was associated with the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. Hockley's peers considered him to be one of the great occult scholars of his time in fact he was held in such high regard by one of the founders of the Golden Dawn, W. Wynn Westcott, that he posthumously claimed Hockley as one of the Order's most outstanding Adepts.
The book is a hardcover, Small quarto. (6 3/4" x 8 3/4") xii + 84pp. Bound in heavy black cloth with a gilt design on the front cover, and gilt title to the spine. Colour frontispiece, black and white facsimile of manuscript. Sewn, printed on acid-free paper. Black moire "coffin silk" endpapers. ISBN: 9780933429253.
Edition limited to 650 numbered copies. Price: US $50.00
The Kabbalah, Magick, and Thelema. Selected Writings. Volume II.
By Phyllis Seckler (Soror Meral), Edited by Dr. David
Shoemaker, Gregory Peters and Rorac Johnson, and with a Foreword by Lon Milo DuQuette.
Phyllis Seckler ("Soror Meral:" 1917-2004) was introduced to the teachings of Aleister Crowley in the late 1930s and became a regular participant in the activities of Agape Lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis in California, and rose to become a Ninth Degree member of the "Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis," and an Adeptus Minor of the A.'. A.'. The Kabbalah, Magick, and Thelema is the second volume of writings by Phyllis Seckler to be published by the College of Thelema of Northern California in association with The Teitan Press. Like the first volume, The Thoth Tarot, Astrology & Other Selected Writings (see listing below) this collection is edited and introduced by three of Seckler's former students: Rorac Johnson, Gregory Peters, and David Shoemaker, but this second volume additionally includes a short Foreword by one of her best-known early A.'. A.'. students, Lon Milo DuQuette.
In common with Crowley, Seckler found short, pithy essays, written in the form of "letters," to be an excellent and powerful teaching method, and the main body of this work comprises a series of these letters, covering diverse topics from kabbalah and the practice of ritual magic, through philosophy and spiritual enquiry to commentary on the Thelemic culture of the time. Originally published in Seckler's journal "In the Continuum," they are here presented for the first time in book form, accompanied by redrawn and corrected diagrams.
The book also reproduces a number of important letters that passed between Seckler and other significant figures in the history of post-Crowleyan Thelema, including Karl Germer, Israel Regardie, Grady McMurtry, Gerald Yorke, and Marcelo Motta. These letters, which cover matters as varied as the leadership succession of the O.T.O. and the thefts at Karl Germer's library, are published here for the first time, as are a number of related photographs.
The book is a hardcover, octavo sized (9 x 6 inches, approx 23.5 x 15.2cm), xvi + 288pp. Sewn, printed in the USA on acid-free paper. Heavy blue cloth
binding, with gilt titling etc to the spine. Black and white frontispiece photo-portrait, photo insert on coated paper. Pictorial dustjacket. ISBN: 9780933429284.
Edition limited to 666 numbered copies. Price: US $50.00
A Book of the Offices of Spirits.
The Occult Virtue of Plants and Some Rare Magical Charms & Spells Transcribed ... from a Sixteenth
Century Manuscript on Magic and Necromancy.
From a
manuscript by by John Porter, transcribed by Frederick Hockley, With an Introduction by Colin D. Campbell.
A Book of the Offices of Spirits is the first ever publication of this Solomonic text or grimoire which, in common with the better-known
"Goetia," is essentially a catalog of demons, giving their name, description, rank in the infernal hieararchy, number of attendant legions, offices
(abilities), as well as a variety of magical rituals for their conjuration and other purposes. The text has its origin in a magical manuscript written
by one John Porter in 1583, which was itself probably drawn from earlier European sources. In the early nineteenth century the Porter manuscript came
into the possession of the British occult fraternity, "the Mercurii," and a transcription of key sections was compiled by John Palmer. Palmer's
transcription was in turn copied by the renowned occult scholar Frederick Hockley, and this transcription, along with another anonymous late
nineteenth century manuscript copy, for the basis for the present work.
Frederick Hockley, and this transcription, along with another anonymous late nineteenth century manuscript copy, for the basis for the present work.
Frederick Hockley (1809-1885), was an occultist and Freemason with an interest in Spiritualism who in later life was associated with the Societas
Rosicruciana in Anglia. Hockley's peers considered him to be one of the great occult scholars of his time in fact he was held in such high regard by
one of the founders of the Golden Dawn, W. Wynn Westcott, that he posthumously claimed Hockley as one of the Order's most outstanding Adepts. Colin D.
Campbell, author of The Magic Seal of Dr. John Dee has edited and written an Introduction for the book in which he examines the history
of the manuscript, its place in the Goetic canon, and its relevance to contemporary occultists.
The book is a hardcover, Small quarto. (6 3/4" x 8 3/4") 102pp. Sewn, printed on acid-free paper. Bound in heavy black cloth with a gilt design on
the front cover, and gilt title to the spine. Black "coffin silk" endpapers. Text printed in red and black. ISBN: 9780933429253.
Edition limited to 800 numbered copies. Price: US $50.00
Abraham the Jew on Magic Talismans.
(To be engraven on the Seals of Rings made of various metals, under the influence of the Fixed Stars
and the Twenty-eight Mansions of the Moon).
From a
manuscript by Frederick Hockley, after a work by Francis Barrett. With an Introduction by Silens Manus.
Abraham the Jew on Magic Talismans is a previously-unpublished manuscript by Frederick Hockley, compiled by him circa. 1831 - 1833,
and drawn largely from an earlier work of the same title, probably by Francis Barrett. The manuscript deals with the creation of talismans, and is divided into two parts, the first of which details methods for
their manufacture "under the fixed stars" and the second "under the twenty-eight mansions of the moon." Both sets of concepts were popular in
mediaeval and later European astrological and magical practice, having apparently been incorporated into them from Arabic astronomical and
astrological treatises composed during the "Golden Age" of Arabic science from the middle of the eighth to the middle of the thirteenth centuries
This first published edition comprises an Introduction in which Silens Manus explores the history of the manuscript, and its relationship with other
early magical works, notably those of Cornelius Agrippa. It also includes a loosely inserted four page Addendum by Hockley scholar Alan Thorogood, who reveals more about the history of Abraham the Jew on Magic Talismans, including the discovery that Hockley's work is largely drawn from an earlier manuscript that is bound together with the original manuscript of Frances Barrett's
The Magus, suggesting that the text from which Hockley drew was probably compiled by Barrett himself. The Introduction is followed by a typeset transcription of the text of the manuscript, with explanatory
footnotes, etc., and a reproduction of various relevant passages from the 1651 edition of Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy, which are without doubt the principal source of the Barrett / Hockley "Abraham."
The final section is a facsimile of the original Hockley manuscript, printed on special coated paper that gives a photograph like quality to the reproduction.
Frederick Hockley (1809-1885), was an occultist and Freemason with an interest in Spiritualism who in later life was associated with the
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. Hockley's peers considered him to be one of the great occult scholars of his time in fact he was held in such high
regard by one of the founders of the Golden Dawn, W. Wynn Westcott, that he posthumously claimed Hockley as one of the Order's most outstanding
The book is a hardcover, Small quarto. (6 3/4" x 8 3/4") 102pp. Sewn, printed on acid-free paper. Bound in heavy black cloth with a gilt design on
the front cover, and gilt title to the spine. Colour frontispieces, colour and black and white facsimile of the manuscript. ISBN: 9780933429246.
Edition limited to 650 numbered copies. Price: US $60.00
A copy of Alan Thorogood's "Addendum" is now included with each copy of the book. Those who have already purchased a copy of the book, but did not receive the printed "Addendum" may:
Click here to download a pdf file of the Addendum
The Times Deceas'd.
The Rare Book Department of the Times Bookshop in the 1960's..
by Timothy d'Arch Smith.
Under Timothy d'Arch Smith's guidance the rare books department of The Times Bookshop became the place to go for unusual, eccentric, and censured
books in 1960s London. In its cluttered shelves, the works of fin de siècle decadents and the poetry of their "Uranian" successors jostled for
shelf-space with the literature of the occult and other yet more dubious tomes. Ancient texts on witch-hunting, manuscripts by Frederick Hockley,
handsome quartos by that most peculiar Reverend gentleman Montague Summers, could be found alongside exquisite limited editions of works by the
then-unmentionable Aleister Crowley.
Predictably, d'Arch Smith's office became a required destination for enthusiasts and scholars from all walks of life, with visitors ranging from
relatively private individuals like the bibliophile and self-proclaimed practitioner of "the spagyrical arts" Gerard Heym and former Crowley disciple
and afterwards occult scholar, Gerald Yorke, to the famous and celebrated, such as the Beatles. The exotic "Countess" Tamara Bourkoun, who headed her
own offshoot of the Golden Dawn magical fraternity, provided d'Arch Smith with a personal pathway into Hermetic practice.
In The Times Deceas'd Timothy d'Arch Smith writes engagingly and affectionately of all these characters, and the many others: customers
and colleagues, literary luminaries and low-lifes and, of course, the often shady denizens of the occult fringe. These reminiscences and anecdotes
are enlivened by fascinating snippets of bibliophilic and historical detail, for d'Arch Smith is well known as a bibliographer and scholar par
excellence in his chosen fields. As the title suggests, The Times Bookshop is no longer with us, but it lives on, larger than ever, in this
delightful memoir.
The The Times Deceas'd was first published in England in a very small edition in 2003. The text of this new Teitan Press edition
has been corrected by the author, and includes numerous previously-unpublished illustrations.
The book is a high quality sewn hardcover, printed on acid-free, "permanent" paper. It is an Octavo (9 x 6 inches, approx 23.5 x 15.2cm), 124pp (+
plates). Bound in beige cloth with black titling to spine, etc. Color laminated dustjacket, black and white frontispiece & 16 pages of photographic
illustrations. Edition limited to 500 numbered copies. ISBN: 9780933429611. Price: US $45.00
Aleister Crowley, The Golden Dawn and Buddhism:
Reminiscences and
Writings of Gerald Yorke.
Edited by Keith Richmond, with contributions by David Tibet, Timothy d'Arch Smith and Clive Harper.
Aleister Crowley, The Golden Dawn and Buddhism comprises a series of 20 essays by Gerald Yorke, who for four years was one of
Aleister Crowley's closest followers, and remained a lifelong friend. Although in later life he embraced Buddhism, Yorke was one of the handful of
people who laboured to preserve the legacy of "The Beast" after his death in 1947, and through his work as a publisher's advisor he was also
instrumental in the publication of many of the most important works of his times on the occult, yoga and Buddhism. Yorke's profound practical as well
as theoretical knowledge of these subjects is reflected in these essays, some of which are published here for the first time.
The essays are accompanied by a biographical Introduction by Keith Richmond, a Reminiscence by Timothy d'Arch Smith, and a revised
version of Yorke's Crowley Bibliography by Clive Harper. The book concludes with a lengthy Interview with Gerald Yorke by David Tibet,
undertaken shortly before Yorke's death in 1983.
There are two Editions:.
Trade Edition (Pictured left). Hardcover. Octavo (9 x 6 inches, approx 23.5 x 15.2cm), 344pp. Bound in fine
black cloth, with gilt titling etc to the spine, crest in gilt to upper board. Sewn, printed on acid-free paper. Colour frontispiece by Austin Osman
Spare, and 16 pages of black and white illustrations. Limited to 930 numbered copies. Illustrated dustjacket. Trade edition $ 50.00
Edition Deluxe (Pictured right). Hardcover. Octavo (9 x 6 inches, approx 23.5 x 15.2cm), 344pp. Beautifully
bound in white quarter leather with blue cloth boards and housed in a matching clothbound slipcase. Limited to 93 hand-numbered copies signed
by the contributors: David Tibet, Timothy d'Arch Smith, Keith Richmond, and Clive Harper. Edition Deluxe $
To view photographs and further details of the book please go to:
A Book of Automatic Drawing
By Austin Osman Spare, With an Introduction by Ian Law.
Being a new issue, of the original Catalpa Press edition of 1973.
A Book of Automatic Drawing is a large, folio-sized book of sketches by the renowned English artist and occultist Austin Osman
Spare (1886 - 1956). The original work was executed by the artist in April and May of 1925 during a particularly turbulent period of his life in
which he abandoned more commercial artistic styles and instead immersed himself in the creation of several series of his darkly-visionary "automatic
drawings." Spare finished the work in 1925, but his attempts to publish it himself failed, and it remained unpublished until it was printed by the
Catalpa Press (London) in 1973. The book is a magnificently-crafted reproduction of Spare's original manuscript sketchbook and comprises a decorative
title, contents, and end pages, plus twelve full-page plates and an Introduction by Ian Law. The sheets of this Catalpa Press edition were beautifully
produced by an art-printer in two issues: a "trade edition" printed on white laid paper and an "edition deluxe" on hand-made paper. Each copy of the
edition deluxe was to be "posthumously signed" by Spare by way of tipped in signed cheque that had been recovered from his home after his death.
A number of unbound sets of sheets from these original 1973 printings were recently rediscovered, and form the basis of this magnificent
Teitan Press reissue. A 12 page booklet by Keith Richmond, recounting the complex and fascinating history of the book, is included with each
Trade Edition (Pictured left). Hardcover, Folio. (17" x 12" - 43.2cm x 30.5cm) 40pp. Quarter black cloth with
black paper-covered boards and title and design by Spare gilt stamped on front board. Finely printed in black and white, with some green and brown
line-work on Abbey Mills white laid paper. This Teitan Press reissue of the 1973 Catalpa Press "trade edition" is limited to 350
numbered copies, bound up from the original sheets, printed on high quality white wove paper. Included with each copy is a 12 page booklet by
Keith Richmond, recounting the complicated history of the book. The book is a superb production. As might be expected with sheets that are nearly 40
years old, there is the occasional minor blemish, but over all the book is as new.
(39943) SOLD OUT
Edition Deluxe (Pictured right).
Hardcover, Folio. (17" x 12" - 43.2cm x 30.5cm) 40pp. Quarter black goatskin with black cloth-covered boards and title and design by Spare gilt
stamped on front board and spine. This Teitan press reissue of the 1973 Catalpa Press "edition deluxe" is limited to 40 numbered
copies, bound up from the original sheets, finely printed in black and white, with some green and brown line-work, on fine hand-made paper.
Each copy is also "posthumously signed" by Austin Osman Spare by way of tipped in cheque (the cheques were recovered from the last house that
he lived in, shortly before it was demolished in the late 1960s).
Included with each copy is a 12 page booklet by Keith Richmond, recounting the complicated history of the book.
As might be expected with sheets that are nearly 40 years old, there is the occasional minor blemish, but over all the book is as new.
(39944) SOLD OUT
Click HERE to view some of the images from A Book of Automatic
The Authentic Red Dragon (Le Véritable Dragon Rouge) ..... [with
].... The Black Hen (La Poule Noire) .... Translated from the French Edition of 1521
Translated by Joshua A. Wentworth, With an Introduction by Silens Manus.
Le Véritable Dragon Rouge, or as it is more commonly known, Le Dragon Rouge (The Red Dragon) is one of the
most notorious of the little books of black magic known as grimoires. This Teitan Press publication includes a complete facsimile of the
earliest known edition - a French printing that is dated 1521 (although it was probably actually published in the early 1800s) - along with a complete
English translation by Joshua A. Wentworth. It is prefaced with a thoughtful and sometimes humorous Introduction by Silens Manus.
The text of Le Dragon Rouge is typical of grimoires of the time, and is clearly related to the Grand Grimoire. Its
anonymous author claims that the work is derived from the wisdom of the legendary King Solomon, and then sets down instructions for the creation of a
number of magical implements: blasting rod (wand), talisman and magic circle, that are to be used to summon the demon "Lucifugé Rofocale," who is
then bound over to serve the sorcerer. In the process a great many sub-demons are named, and their attributes listed. This is followed by a series
of magic spells or recipes for various purposes; from making oneself invisible, to winning the affections of another, to the cure of various common
ailments. The book ends with a chart of lucky and unlucky days and a short version of the treasure-finding text known as La Poule Noire
(The Black Hen). Le Dragon Rouge was very popular in early nineteenth century France, going through a number of
clandestine and semi-clandestine printings, and is still said to be one of the most highly revered magic texts in certain Voodoo circles in Haiti.
The book is a hardcover, small octavo sized (7 1/4" x 5 1/4") 208pp. Sewn, printed on acid-free paper. Bound in heavy black cloth with a gilt dragon
design on the front cover, and gilt title to the spine. Red "coffin silk" endpapers. Rubricated titles and frontispieces, black and white
illustrations. ISBN: 978-0-933429-21-5.
Edition limited to 800 numbered copies. Price: Out of Print
Lunar and Sex Worship
By Ida Craddock, Edited and with an Introduction by Vere Chappell.
Philadelphia-born Ida Craddock (1857-1902) was a forceful public exponent of women's rights and sexual freedom whose interest in Theosophy and
Spiritualism led her into a profound involvement with the occult. Attacked by conservatives as promoting obscenity and immorality on account of her
reforming activities, Craddock became the focus of an organised campaign of persecution. Facing a lengthy prison sentence that she did not expect to
survive, she instead took her own life, at age forty-five.
After her death, Craddock's work on sexuality and occultism attracted the interest of a small number of well-known figures, including Aleister
Crowley, who wrote that she possessed "...initiated knowledge of extraordinary depth. She seems to have had access to certain most concealed
sanctuaries.... She has put down statements in plain English which are positively staggering."
Amongst her papers, Craddock left two manuscripts, "Lunar and Sex Worship" and "Sex Worship (Continued)" that had been commissioned by her patron, the
Spiritualist W. T. Stead. They are effectively studies of sexuality in religion and mythology, as viewed through the prism of Craddock's own
experiences and beliefs.
This Teitan Press edition of Lunar and Sex Worship is the first ever publication of "Lunar and Sex Worship" and "Sex Worship
(Continued)." It comprises the complete text of both works, edited and introduced by Vere Chappell, an expert on the life and work of Craddock.
The book is a hardcover, octavo sized (9 x 6 inches, approx 23.5 x 15.2cm), xviii + 318pp. Sewn, printed on acid-free paper. Heavy blue cloth
binding, with gilt titling etc to the spine. Black and white frontispiece photo-portrait. Pictorial dustjacket. ISBN: 9780933429208.
Edition limited to 650 numbered copies. Price: US $45.00
The Thoth Tarot, Astrology, & Other Selected
By Phyllis Seckler (Soror Meral), Edited by Dr. David
Shoemaker, Gregory Petersand Rorac Johnson.
Phyllis Seckler (1917-2004) was introduced to the teachings of Aleister Crowley in the late 1930s and became a regular participant in the activities
of Agape Lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis in California, and rose to become a Ninth Degree member of the "Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis." She
was admitted to the A.'. A.'. under the tutelage of Jane Wolfe, eventually taking the now well-known "magical name" Soror Meral and was later
confirmed as an Adeptus Minor by Crowley's successor, Karl Germer. Seckler was a key figure in the reinauguration of the O.T.O. in 1969, and a few
years later she founded the College of Thelema, with the intention that it would provide important background training and education for aspirants to
the A.'. A.'. Although not as widely known as some of her contemporaries, Seckler played a crucial role in the history of Thelema, not only through
her efforts to explore and revive Crowley's creed, but also by training a new generation of its students.
The Thoth Tarot, Astrology & Other Selected Writings, is edited by three of Phyllis Seckler's former students: Rorac Johnson, Gregory
Peters, and David Shoemaker. It includes a biographical sketch of Phyllis Seckler drawn from her own autobiographical writings, and two of her most
important essays: "The Tarot Trumps of Thoth and Psychology" - a detailed analysis of the psychological and magical symbolism of the Trumps of
the Thoth deck - and "Thoth Tarot and Astrology," a significant study of astrology and the natal chart, with special reference to the cards of
the Thoth deck. Both of these essays were previously serialized in Seckler's journal In the Continuum, but they are here presented for the first
time in book form, accompanied by redrawn and corrected diagrams.
In addition to the essays the book also contains a selection of important correspondence between Seckler, Aleister Crowley, Karl Germer and Jane
Wolfe. These are followed by a transcript of the last major interview conducted with Phyllis Seckler, in which she recounted the details of her
introduction to Thelema and involvement with the old Agape Lodge, her subsequent participation in various Thelemic organizations, and her thoughts on
developments within the Thelemic world.
The book is a hardcover, octavo sized (9 x 6 inches, approx 23.5 x 15.2cm), xviii + 390pp. Sewn, printed on acid-free paper. Heavy blue cloth
binding, with gilt titling etc to the spine. Black and white frontispiece photo-portrait. Pictorial dustjacket. ISBN: 9780933429277.
Edition limited to 777 numbered copies. Sorry, this title is now
Out of Print.
Brother Curwen, Brother Crowley
By Aleister Crowley and David Curwen, Edited and with an Introduction by Henrik Bogdan and a
Foreword by Tony Matthews.
In September 1944, a fifty-one year old Londoner named David Curwen wrote to Aleister Crowley, initiating a correspondence that would last several
years. While Curwen approached Crowley with deference, the relationship that evolved between them was a complex one that defied the accepted
parameters of the student-teacher nexus. For David Curwen was no newcomer to the study of the occult, and Crowley soon discovered that the flow of
knowledge would not be simply one way. In particular Crowley was tantalized by the deep understanding of the principals of tantra that Curwen had
acquired during the course of many years study under a mysterious guru.
At Crowley's urging Curwen joined the O.T.O., but he remained skeptical of many of "the Beast's" claims, and the two ultimately parted company on
strained terms. However, Curwen retained his interest in the occult, and in later life he devoted himself to the study of alchemy, publishing the
results of his researches pseudonymously in the book In Pursuit of Gold, a work that many believe to be the most significant study ever published of
practical alchemy.
In addition to reproducing all of the surviving correspondence between the pair, Brother Curwen, Brother Crowley includes an important
biographical Foreword by David Curwen's grandson, Tony Matthews. The letters themselves have been edited and annotated by the scholar of Crowley
and Western esotericism, Henrik Bogdan, who has also contributed an illuminating Introduction that gives context to the relationship between Crowley
and Curwen, as well as exploring the history of their interest in sexual occultism and tantra, and the influence that they had in Kenneth Grant.
The book is a hardcover, octavo sized (9 x 6 inches, approx 23.5 x 15.2cm), xlviii + 136pp. Sewn, printed on acid-free paper. Heavy dark green cloth
binding, with gilt titling etc to the spine. Black and white frontispiece, and eight pages of black and white illustrations. Pictorial dustjacket.
ISBN: 9780933429277.
Edition limited to 777 numbered copies. Price: US $45.00
Invocating by Magic Crystals and
By Frederick Hockley, With an Introduction by R. A.
Invocating by Magic Crystals and Mirrors contains a full color facsimile of an original manuscript by Frederick Hockley, a transcription
of the text, an Introduction by R. A. Gilbert, and other related material.
Frederick Hockley (1809-1885) was an important if often-overlooked figure in nineteenth-century occultism. He was an active "seer" who engaged in
scrying, and took an interest in ritual magic, alchemy and spiritualism. He was also a Freemason, who later in life joined the Societas Rosicruciana
in Anglia and other esoteric fraternities, and his work was posthumously used by various members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Hockley is
also rightly renowned for the manuscripts he created, for he sought out and carefully prepared copies of numerous grimoires and other magical,
alchemical and kabbalistic texts that had lain hidden in private collections around England. In addition he compiled a number of his own magical
texts, as well as keeping detailed records of his many scrying sessions.
Invocating by Magic Crystals and Mirrors is one of Hockley's own writings. In it he describes the philosophy and method of
"crystallomancy" ("crystal gazing" or "scrying through crystals or mirrors"), a practice which has long been associated with ritual magic. John Dee
and his seer Edward Kelly were of course famous proponents of the system during the Elizabethan years, and after a period of relative obscurity it had
found a new popularity in Spiritualist circles during the nineteenth century. Hockley's is a short work, that is reproduced from an original
manuscript, dated 1869, that he presented to Barbara Honywood, a well-known society Spiritualist of the time. Honywood was said to have mediumistic
powers, and it seems likely that Hockley prepared and gave the manuscript to her in the hope that it would excite her interest in the process, and
perhaps help induce her to act as his "seer."
This Teitan Press edition is the first ever publication of the work. In addition to a full color facsimile of the beautifully decorated original
manuscript, Invocating by Magic Crystals and Mirrors also includes a typeset transcription, a fascinating Introduction by Hockley
scholar R. A. Gilbert, and the text of the "Invocation of the Crowned Angel," a related work taken from Hockley's manuscript records of his personal
scrying activities. ISBN: 978-0-933429-22-2. Edition limited to 600 numbered copies. Sorry, this title is now
Out of Print.
Three Macabre Stories
By Rosaleen Norton, With an Introduction by Keith Richmond.
Rosaleen Norton is now largely remembered as "the Witch of Kings Cross:" the Australian artist and occultist who gained notoriety during the 1950s
and 1960s on account of her occult beliefs, unconventional lifestyle, and bizarre and often sensual artwork.
A little-known sidelight to Norton's career was the publication by the popular magazine, Smith's Weekly, of three horror stories that she
wrote while still in her teens. The magazine's editor, Frank Marien, was so impressed with these tales that he not only published them, but also
offered Norton a cadetship. The short stories first appeared in Smith's Weekly in 1934, and were later collected and published under the
title Three Macabre Stories in an extremely limited letterpress edition in 1996.
This new edition of Three Macabre Stories contains those original three short stories, along with two previously unknown stories by
Norton's husband Beresford Conroy: works to which she almost certainly contributed. It also includes reproductions of a group of grotesque
drawings executed by Norton not long after her involvement with Smith's Weekly, the first-ever reprinting of three comic illustrations she
drew for that magazine, and a revised Introduction and new Foreword by Keith Richmond.
The book is a high quality sewn hardcover, printed on acid-free paper. It is an Octavo (9 x 6 inches, approx 23.5 x 15.2cm), bound in black cloth
with gilt titling to spine, etc. xxxii + 64pp. Frontispiece & black and white illustrations. Full color dustjacket. ISBN: 9780933429130 Edition
limited to 666 numbered copies. Price: US $39.50
The Magic Seal of John Dee. The Sigillum Dei Aemeth.
by Colin D. Campbell..
The Magic Seal of John Dee comprises a detailed examination of the history and structure of the Sigillum Dei Aemeth of the Elizabethan
scholar and Magus, Dr. John Dee, as well as a study of its use in the practice of ritual magic. The appendixes include a new transcription and
translation of Dee's Liber Mysteriorum Secundus, and an important new translation of the section of the famous grimoire, The Sworn
Book of Honorius, that gives details of what is clearly a precursor of the Sigillum Dei.
From the standpoint of a practicing magician, the work has two clear aims: "to demonstrate the importance of the pattern established by Dee's Sigillum
Dei as opposed to its implementation, and to bring the Sigillum Dei out of the limited confines of the Enochian temple and into its role as a powerful
magickal system in its own right. The recognition of the patterns established in the construction of the Sigillum Dei allow us to view the seal in a
new light, not as a static framework decided once and for all hundreds of years ago in the study of a Rennaissance magician, but as one that can be
reconstituted in the light of modern interpretation. Furthermore, the seal is, in essence, a system of evocation - the very same method of
communication used by Dee & Kelley in its reception. This book explains the nature and method of this approach and how the practicing magician is
able to use the Sigillum Dei in the manner in which it was truly intended - as a powerful system of planetary magick."
The author, Colin D. Campbell, is a long-term student and teacher of the Thelemic, Kabbalistic, and Enochian magickal systems.
The book is a high quality sewn hardcover, printed on acid-free paper. It is a small quarto (8 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches, approx 22.2 x 17.2cm), bound in
black cloth with gilt sigils stamped on the front & rear covers, blind rules, and gilt title etc. on the spine. Color frontispiece and one colour
plate, various b&w illustrations and tables in text. Appendixes & index. Edition limited to 777 numbered copies. Sorry, this title is now
Out of Print.
Thorn in the Flesh. A Grim-Memoire.
by Rosaleen Norton.
Thorn in the Flesh. comprises poetry (often humorous), reminiscences, and various occult jottings, by Rosaleen Norton, with
reproductions of two stunning photographs of Norton, as well as some half-a-dozen examples of her art (mainly in color).
Rosaleen Norton, the author of the work, was a natural rebel whose bohemian lifestyle, outspoken occultism, and unusual and often sexually-charged
artwork attracted widespread condemnation from the conservative establishment. She suffered frequent arrest, her art exhibitions were raided, a book
of her art banned, and in one notorious case, her paintings burned at the censor's order. She died in relative obscurity in 1979, yet left the world
a rich and unusual artistic legacy. Some of this was hidden away in two battered metal trunks which contained fragments of her unfinished
autobiography, Thorn in the Flesh, various occult writings, letters, drawings, poems, photographs, small paintings, and scrapbooks. It was Norton's
wish that one day a selection would be made from this material, and it would be published.
This book is that selection.
Most of this material has never been publicly seen before. Although by definition fragmentary, the texts combine to give a very personal
introduction to the magical world of this truly remarkable woman. They are accompanied by an Introduction by Keith Richmond, who has previously
edited a collection of Norton's short stories: 'Three Macabre Stories,' and played a key role in organizing the "Occult Visions of Rosaleen Norton"
retrospective of her art that was held in Sydney in 2000.
The book is a high quality sewn hardcover, printed on library-quality paper. It is an Octavo (9 x 6 inches, approx 23.5 x 15.2cm), bound in red
cloth with gilt titling to spine, etc. xxiv + 128pp. Full color dustjacket, black and white frontispiece & 8 pages of color & black and white
illustrations. Edition limited to 880 numbered copies. Price: US $50.00
The Progradior Correspondence, Letters by Aleister Crowley, Frank
Bennett, C. S. Jones, & Others.
Aleister Crowley, Frank Bennett; Charles Stansfeld Jones; Leilah Waddell; Leah
Hirsig et al, & Edited and with an Introduction by Keith Richmond.
The Progradior Correspondence comprises the text of ninety letters and other documents that were exchanged between "Frater Progradior"
(that is Aleister Crowley's Lancashire-born follower Frank Bennett), and members of "the Beast's" inner circle, including Crowley himself, Charles
Stansfeld Jones, Leilah Waddell, Leah Hirsig and others.
The correspondence began in 1910 when Bennett wrote to Crowley seeking his advice on the performance of "The Sacred Magic of Abra-Melin the Mage." It
continued through the years of The Equinox, through Crowley's residence in the United States during the First World War, and on past the heydays of
the Abbey of Thelema at Cefalu in the early 1920s. The exchange finally drew to a close in 1926, by which time Crowley had dropped or otherwise lost
contact with most of his associates of the preceding decade and a half.
A third of the letters were written by Aleister Crowley. Like the rest of the correspondence, these focus largely on the efforts that he and his
followers were making to promote his occult fraternities, the A.'. A.'. and the O.T.O. As such they offer valuable first-hand accounts of the
development of Crowley's creed of Thelema during this important period. The letters are highly revealing on a personal level as well, and provide
considerable insight into Crowley's character and the influence that he had on the people around him. In broader terms they give a fascinating
impression of the lives and activities of all those involved.
The Progradior Correspondence is edited by Frank Bennett's biographer, Keith Richmond, who has also contributed a short Introduction
and added footnotes to elucidate some of the more obscure names, words and passages in the letters.
The book is a high quality sewn hardcover, printed on library-quality paper. It is an Octavo (9 x 6 inches, approx 23.5 x 15.2cm), bound in blue
cloth with gilt titling to spine, etc. xii + 148pp. Full color dustjacket and black and white frontispiece. Index. Edition limited to 666
numbered copies. Price: US $45.00
The Rosicrucian Seer. Magical Writings of Frederick Hockley.
Edited and With a biographical Introduction by John Hamill, & with a
Chapter on Hockley's Manuscripts, and a Note on Hockley as an Astrologer by R. A. Gilbert.
The Rosicrucian Seer is an important collection of Hockley's writings, with a biographical Introduction by John Hamill, and chapters
on Hockley's Manuscripts, and "Hockley as an Astrologer" by R. A. Gilbert. The editor, John Hamill, is one of the leading historians of English
Freemasonry - with a particular fascination for its more unusual byways - whilst R. A. Gilbert, is an an acknowledged authority on the nineteenth
century 'occult revival,' on which he has written and lectured extensively.
The Rosicrucian Seer was previously published as a paperback in 1986. This new edition - the first in hardcover - has been extensively
revised and corrected, and contains much new material both by and about Hockley. Frederick Hockley (1809-1885), was a major - if often overlooked -
figure in nineteenth-century occultism. He was an active "seer" who engaged in scrying, and he took a great interest in ritual magic, alchemy and
spiritualism. He was also a Freemason, who in later life was associated with the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and other esoteric fraternities. In
addition to his own writings, Hockley sought out and copied Grimoires and other magical, alchemical and kabbalistic texts that had lain hidden in
private collections around England.
Many of Hockley's early manuscripts were commissioned by the bookseller John Denley (who had acquired Ebenezer Sibly's stunning library, the
source of many of the texts that Francis Barrett used in compiling "The Magus"), whilst others were for his own use. After his death Hockley's library
was dispersed, and is it known that many Hockley manuscripts made their way into the hands of members of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Such
was the high regard in which Hockley was held, that of the group's founders, W. Wynn Westcott, not only wrote that Hockley's manuscripts were
"highly esteemed," but also posthumously claimed him as Adept of the Golden Dawn.
The Rosicrucian Seer not only reveals much about Hockley's life and esoteric activities, but also provides invaluable insights into the
occult milieu of nineteenth century England that gave rise to the Golden Dawn and inspired its members.
The book is a high quality sewn hardcover, printed on library-quality paper. It is an Octavo (9 x 6 inches, approx 23.5 x 15.2cm), bound in red
cloth with a gilt reproduction of Hockley's personal monogram on on upper board, gilt titling to spine, etc. xxiv + 240pp. Full color dustjacket and
frontispiece. Index. Edition limited to 950 numbered copies. $45.00
Occult Spells. A Nineteenth Century Grimoire
Compiled by Frederick Hockley, With an Introduction by Silens
This is the first ever printing of Occult Spells, a work that until now has existed only as a manuscript in a private collection. It is
part of a rich legacy of carefully written manuscripts, left to the world by the Frederick Hockley (1809-1885), an occultist and Freemason with an
interest in Spiritualism who in later life was associated with the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. Hockley's peers considered him to be one of the
great occult scholars of his time: in fact he was held in such high regard by one of the founders of the Golden Dawn, W. Wynn Westcott, that he
posthumously claimed Hockley as one of the Order's most outstanding Adepts.
Occult Spells is a sort of esoteric "commonplace book" in which Hockley recorded material on different spells, talismans, charms and
such-like that he came across in rare books and manuscripts in the course of his researches. Hockley started compiling the book at about the age of
twenty, and added to it throughout his life: he still had it in his possession when he died at the age of seventy-six. The sources that he used
ranged from "occult classics" such as Richard Saunders' "Physiognomie, and Chiromancie, Metoposcopie" (1671), John Heydon's "Theomagia, or the Temple
of Wisdome" (1663); and Henry Cornelius Agrippa's "Three Books of Occult Philosophy" (1651), to relatively obscure works like Joseph Pettigrew's
"Bibliotheca Sussexiana" (1827), and notorious grimoires like the "Petit Albert." The spells and talismans vary as much as his sources: from sublime
Enochian invocations, through folk magic, and on into the darker realms of necromancy. Thus it includes charms to determine "the name of the person
you will marry" (useful only to virgins!), a quite poisonous-sounding "love powder," talismans for all sorts of purposes, and even a recipe for the
creation of a homunculus.
The book includes an Introduction and a typeset transcription of the text of the manuscript, prepared by Silens Manus, a scholar of Hockley's works
who has studied literally dozens of his manuscripts. In addition to checking and restoring illegible words or phrases from the original sources that
Hockley used, Manus has also added footnotes explaining many obscure terms, plant and deity names and such-like, as well as providing translations of
most of the less common non-English phrases and passages that appear in the text. Hockley had also left a number of blank spaces in the text of the
manuscript in which he planned to eventually reproduce some of the tables and diagrams in the works from which he quoted. Where possible Manus has
included these in the transcription.
For those who prefer to consult the manuscript exactly as Hockley wrote it, an exact photographic facsimile, on special coated paper, completes the
Occult Spells offers a rare insight into the occult preoccupations of this interesting figure, whose work arguably had a profound effect
on the late nineteenth century "Occult Revival."
The book is a high quality sewn hardcover, Small Quarto (8 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches, approx 22.2 x 17.2cm), 208 pages. Edition limited to 500 numbered
copies. Black cloth with a gilt sigil stamped on the front cover, and gilt title etc. to the spine. Color frontispiece. The first section
comprises a 9 page Introduction, which is followed by a 72 page typeset transcription of the text of the grimoire, with explanatory footnotes,
translations of the passages in Latin, etc. etc. The final section is a 120 page facsimile of the original manuscript of the grimoire, printed on
special coated paper that gives a photograph like quality to the reproduction. Sorry, this title is now Out of Print.
September 2012 Update
In the three years that have passed since the publication of Occult Spells in 2009, fresh research – notably by Alan Thorogood – has revealed some significant new material concerning Hockley’s sources for the work, as well as providing some corrections to the text itself. Alan was kind enough to share the results of his investigations with us, and we included a printed version of these "Addenda et Corrigenda" in a special release (the "Omega Edition") of the book. Those who have a copy of the "First Issue" of Occult Spells and would like a copy of this new material may:
Click here to download a pdf file of the Addenda et Corrigenda
A Book of Shadows
Transcribed and with Artwork and Embellishments by pan.zos pagurus
In April 1976, pan.zos pagurus was accepted into a witchcraft coven in Surrey, England. At the time of his initiation he was loaned the manuscript of
a "Book of Shadows" which he was told was a traditional work central to "the Craft," and which he was required to transcribe by hand for his own use.
Although he didn't then know it, the text was derived from a copy belonging to the so-called "Father of modern Wicca," Gerald Gardner, who many now
suggest was actually its author.
A Book of Shadows, as it is here published contains that text, as well as the "rites and structures of the seasonal ceremonies," that
were given to pan.zos at a later stage. Initiates were also encouraged to personalize their book, so pan.zos added in a series of images and diary
doodlings that were inspired by ceremonies and studies over a three year period. During this time he was also deeply drawn into the worlds and work
of Austin Osman Spare and Aleister Crowley, whose influence show both in the Spare-inspired "embellishments," and the frequent quotations from their
Giordano Bruno was another important influence. In particular his treatise De Umbris Idearum (On the Shadows of Ideas), 1582, made
connections between symbols, metaphors and memory that pan.zos felt to be the very stuff of the poetry and spells by which we gain some power in the
world, enabling us to shape our will and direct it. Bruno's belief that nature is alive, and that all life is animated from within, and that matter
and spirit are indivisible and matter is divine, also had strong similarities with the British Wiccan/Green Man tradition. For this reason pan.zos
borrowed the title for his own collection of occult jottings, a fragment of which follows the text of A Book of Shadows.
This is not a "how to book" or historical study. As pan.zos says in his Introduction "I make no claims at all with regard to the profundity of my own
part of this book. It is presented simply as a very personal record of the early years of an occult journey, started half-a-lifetime ago." To the
publishers it is an authentic and unique example of this particular type of ritual workbook, executed with considerable artistry by a genuine
practitioner, and we are delighted to present it in facsimile to a broader public.
The book is a high quality sewn hardcover, Quarto (10 x 7 1/2 inches, approx 25.4 x 19.1cm), 128 pages. Edition limited to 400 numbered
copies. Black cloth with a striking white design to the front cover, and white titling on spine. Printed on coated paper, lavishly illustrated
in black and white throughout. $50.00
A Concordance to the Holy Books of
Thelema - Edited & With an Introduction by Colin D. Campbell with a Foreword
by Dr. Richard Kaczynski
Hardcover, Large Octavo, (9 1/4 x 6 1/4 inches, approx 23.5 x 16cm), xxiv + 348pp. Blue cloth with gilt titling to spine and gilt magic square on
front cover. Dustjacket. Teitan Press, Maine, 2008. Edition limited to 418 numbered copies.
"The Holy Books of Thelema," is the collective name given to the group of inspired texts received by Aleister Crowley between the years 1904 and
1911. These texts lie at the very heart of the teachings of his magical fraternity, the A.: A.:, and consequently have been the subject of intense
study and commentary by Crowley himself, and also by many of his students.
A Concordance to the Holy Books of Thelema is an important new tool for those engaged in the study of these beautiful and enigmatic
books. It comprises a survey of every word in these texts, along with a brief quotation to give the context in which each word is used, and the
location in which it appears.
On the most basic level A Concordance to the Holy Books of Thelema serves as a convenient reference guide or index to the contents of
The Holy Books. More importantly, it provides a level of access to the basic elements of the structure and composition of the texts that no
conventional reading would afford. Key words and their frequencies of use become apparent, broader usage patterns are revealed, and the
identification of particular phraseologies and idioms is simplified. The new paths of exploration that it opens for those with knowledge of the
Kabbalah and Gematria are too numerous to list.
The Concordance includes an Introduction by the compiler, Colin D. Campbell, a student and teacher of the Thelemic, Kabbalistic, and Enochian magickal
systems, and a Foreword by Crowley biographer and scholar, Dr. Richard Kaczynski.
The book is a high quality sewn hardcover, printed on library-quality paper. Large Octavo (9 1/4 x 6 1/4 inches, approx 23.5 x 16cm), xxiv + 348pp.
Blue cloth with gilt titling to spine and gilt magic square on front cover. Dustjacket. Edition limited to 418 numbered copies. Sorry, this title is now Out of Print.
Sepher Maphteah Shelomoh. (Book of the Key of
Edited and with Introductions by Hermann Gollancz, and a Foreword
by Stephen Skinner
The book centers on a Hebrew manuscript entitled Sepher Maphteah Shelomoh, that dates from around 1700. The original manuscript was
discovered in the library of a London Rabbi, Samuel Marcus Gollancz (1819-1900), by his son, Herman, not long after his father's death. Hermann
Gollancz, himself an eminent Hebrew scholar, was fascinated by the manuscript, and felt that its study might give important insight into the history
and origins of the "Solomonic" grimoires or books of magic, that are a mainstay of the Western occult tradition. In 1903 Gollancz published his
preliminary thoughts and translations in a booklet entitled Clavicula Salomonis, A Hebrew Manuscript, and in 1914 he published a
facsimile of the manuscript, along with a twenty-page English-language Introduction discussing the text and citing excerpts, under the title
Sepher Maphteah Shelomo in an edition of only 300 copies. Both books are extremely rare, and have never before been reprinted.
This new Teitan Press edition includes the full text of both of Gollancz's commentaries, a facsimile of the original Hebrew manuscript, and a new
Foreword by well-known scholar of the occult Stephen Skinner, in which he explores the history of the grimoire in the light of modern scholarship.
The first section comprises the English-language Foreword and Introductions, and is 64 pages: printed on quality uncoated paper for easy readability.
The remaining 158 pages (the facsimile of the original Hebrew manuscript) are printed on special coated paper, that gives a photograph like quality to
the reproduction of the manuscript, with its numerous drawings of seals, talismans etc. In keeping with tradition, it has been printed so that the
English-language Introductory essays, which are of course read left to right, are back-to-back with the Hebrew facsimile, which is read from right to
left. Please note that the English text comprises three commentaries - as detailed above - it is not a translation.
The book is a high quality sewn hardcover, Large Quarto (11 1/4 x 8 3/4 inches, approx 28.5 x 22cm), lxiv + [158]pp. Blue cloth with gilt titling to
spine and front covers, and gilt design on front cover. Edition limited to 358 numbered copies. Sorry, this title is now Out of Print.
Three Essays on Freedom - by John 'Jack' Whiteside Parsons
In addition to being a loyal devotee of Crowley's creed of Thelema, a pioneering rocket scientist, and enthusiastic bohemian, Jack Parsons was also a
staunch libertarian. He vehemently opposed racism, the suppression of women, religious intolerance, sexual repression and anything else that
diminished the rights of the individual. This book comprises three essays by Parsons: the never-before published "Freedom is a Lonely Star," his
better known work "Freedom is a Two-Edged Sword" (previously published only in softcover) and a short piece entitled "Doing Your Will" (previously
published only in a limited-circulation journal).
The two "Freedom" essays were written in the early days of the Cold War and McCarthyism, and display Parson's utter contempt for the politicians and
their cronies who used "national security" as a justification for the widespread destruction of civil liberties, and his despair at the quiescent
citizens who were persuaded to sacrifice their hard won freedoms for the illusion of safety.
Parsons' essays are, however, not simply a critique of the times: they also allowed him to explore at some length his own ideas of what an ideal
society should be like. This is particularly evident in "Doing Your Will," a piece that he originally wrote as a lecture for Agapé Lodge. Not
surprisingly the vision he presented is heavily colored by Thelemic principles, and draws deeply from the text of Liber Oz, the short, poetic
statement of human rights and responsibilities that Crowley had promulgated a few years earlier. Three Essays on Freedom not only
delivers a blistering attack on authoritarianism, but also offers a well thought out vision of a society in which each was free "to do his or her
will," in accordance with the higher ideals of Crowley's Thelema.
The essays have been edited by Hymenaeus Beta, current Frater Superior of the O.T.O., who has also provided a thoughtful Foreword.
The book is a high quality sewn hardcover, 9 1/4" X 6 1/4", 88 pages, printed on library-quality paper. Black and white frontispiece portrait
photograph of Parsons. Striking black and white dustjacket featuring a seldom seen photograph of Parsons on the front panel. Edition limited to
418 numbered copies. Sorry, this title is now Out of Print.
A Complete Book of Magic Science - transcribed by Frederick Hockley.
Until this edition the grimoire was known only to exist only in the form of several nineteenth century manuscripts, which are said to have been
transcribed by Frederick Hockley (1809-1885) from "an ancient Latin manuscript," dated 1519. However, recent research suggests the these manuscripts
were probably actually written by Hockley himself, although he obviously made use of a variety of earlier sources. Curiously the work known as 'The
Secret Grimoire of Turiel,' seems to have been derived from it, although A Complete Book of Magic Science is lengthier and contains much
additional material.
Occult scholar Frederick Hockley made several manuscripts of A Complete Book of Magic Science in the 1830s or 1840s, and one of these,
complete with beautiful color drawings of the sigils, magical circles etc., was recently discovered. It is from this Hockley manuscript, that the
Teitan Press edition has been prepared.
Hockley was a dedicated occultist and Freemason, who in later in life joined the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and other esoteric fraternities,
although his real passion lay in ceremonial magick of the type that involved contact with Spirits. He worked for the bookseller John Denley, who knew
Francis Barrett and had provided him with many of the books that he used in compiling The Magus.
Hockley himself put together a huge library on the occult, and sought out and copied a number of manuscripts and grimoires that he found hidden in
collections around England. After his death Hockley's library was dispersed, and a number of his manuscripts were obtained and used by members of
the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the famous magical group in which Aleister Crowley started his career. There is a persistent speculation that
Hockley was the source of the famous 'cipher manuscripts' from which the basic structure and rituals of Order were drawn and one of the groups
founders, W. Wynn Westcott, not only wrote that Hockley's manuscripts were "highly esteemed," and claimed him as one of the Order's prominent Adepts.
This First Edition of A Complete Book of Magic Science faithfully reproduces the text and diagrams of Hockley's manuscript. It is
prefaced with an Introduction by Dietrich Bergman, who has also carefully analyzed the text in comparison to that of 'The Secret Grimoire of Turiel,'
and annotated it accordingly.
The book is a high quality sewn hardcover, 5 1/4" X 7 1/4", black cloth binding, with a gilt sigil stamped on the front cover, and gilt title etc. on
the spine. 136pp. Printed on library-quality paper, with color frontis and 16 page color insert. Numerous black and white reproductions of sigils,
Hebrew letters, etc. in the text. Edition limited to 450 numbered copies. Out-of-Print.
Inside Solar Lodge - Outside the Law
- by Frater Shiva.
Inside Solar Lodge - Outside the Law tells the story of Solar Lodge: arguably one of the most interesting and controversial of the many
occult groups that sprung up in 1960s America. It was founded by a student of one of the original initiates of Agape Lodge of the O.T.O. and taught a
system of magick closely based on that of Aleister Crowley.
The author, Frater Shiva, joined Solar Lodge at its inception and rose to a senior position in its ranks before finally leaving at the time of its
implosion in 1972. Inside Solar Lodge - Outside the Law is his reminiscence of life within that group: who they were, how they came
together, and what they did and why. As such it gives a rare glimpse into the lives, aspirations and practices of this group of twentieth century
magicians, viewed not through the eyes of an historian or sociologist, but from one who was there and a part of it. It also offers a detailed
'insider' account of the theft of the library of O.T.O. leader Karl Germer, the 'boy in the box' incident, and the alleged connection between the
Solar Lodge and the Manson group: all events that have become part of the folklore of American occultism.
The book is a high quality sewn hardcover, 6 1/4" X 9 1/4", 200 pages, printed on library-quality paper, with an 8 page black and white photographic
insert, and an index. Color dustjacket designed by Gavin O'Keefe. Edition limited to 418 copies. Out of Print
A Small Number of Copies Remain of One Book from the Original Incarnation of the Teitan Press:
Little Poems in Prose - by Charles Baudelaire, translated by Aleister Crowley with a Foreword by Martin P. Starr.
Little Poems in Prose is a New Edition of Aleister Crowley's reverential translation of Charles Baudelaire's
Petits Poèmes en Prose. Crowley's translation was completed in the early 1900s, and went to press shortly before the outbreak of the First World War, although
the collapse of Crowley's personal finances, and his wartime travels, prevented them from being bound and distributed. In 1928 Crowley met Edward W.
Titus, of the Black Manikin Press. After discussion Titus finally issued the work, with a new title-page and a suite of illustrations by the
well-known decadent artist Jean de Bosschere, as a Limited Edition under his own imprint in Paris.
This New Edition has been edited by Crowley scholar Martin P. Starr, who has also contributed a Foreword to the book. In addition to the text of the
first edition, it contains various materials not found in the original edition, including the manuscript corrections made by Crowley in his own copy,
as well as reproductions of eight previously-unpublished drawings by Crowley.
The book is a high quality sewn hardcover, 8 1/4" X 10 1/4", 148 pages, printed on library-quality paper, with an 8 black and white reproductions of
sketches by Crowley, and a frontis-piece portrait of Baudelaire after a sketch by Henri Mattisse. Cloth spine, with paper covered boards, delicately
imprinted with a line portrait of Baudelaire. $25.00
How to Purchase Teitan Press Publications:
Copies of these Teitan Press books may be purchased direct from
or email us at:
For trade or other inquiries please send an email too:
Please note the other Teitan Press, Inc. titles are all now out-of-print, however, we usually have a good selection of as-new secondhand copies
at Weiser Antiquarian Books. Check the website at or send an inquiry
About the Teitan Press.
The Teitan Press. Inc. was incorporated in Illinois in 1985 by Aleister Crowley scholar Martin P. Starr, and his business partner, Frank Winston. In
the years that followed they produced an impressive selection of books. These included new editions of Crowley's Konx om Pax,
Snowdrops from a Curate's Garden, The Winged Beetle, The Scented Garden, his translation of Baudelaire's
Little Poems in Prose, as well as first printings of Crowley's Scrutinies of Simon Iff, and Golden Twigs,
and of course Martin's acclaimed biography of W. T. Smith, The Unknown God .
After two decades of gentlemanly publishing, The Teitan Press, Inc. was dissolved in December 2006, and custodianship of the imprint was passed to Weiser Antiquarian Books. A year later the first book to be produced under their management came off the presses:
Inside Solar Lodge, Outside the Law, by Frater Shiva.
The latest incarnation of The Teitan Press
has so far produced 34 books. In chronological sequence from the most recent, to the first, these are:
- Metaphysical Spiritual Philosophy. Discourses Through The Magic Mirror With Eltesmo and Emma Louisa Leigh by Frederick Hockley, Edited & Introduced by Alan Thorogood.
- The Pauline Art of Solomon Transcribed etc. by Frederick Hockley, Edited & Introduced by Edited & Introduced by Alan Thorogood.
- Of the Arte Goetia., by Colin Campbell;
- Ars Notoria. The Notary Art of Solomon, translated by Robert Turner Transcribed and with Additions by Frederick Hockley Edited & Introduced by Alan Thorogood and with an Essay by Robin Cousins;
- The Aleister Crowley Desk Reference, by J. Edward Cornelius and A. Edward Drylie, (Contributing Editor);
- Dr. Rudd's Nine Hierarchies of Angels. by Frederick Hockley, John Dee et al, with an Introduction by Alan Thorogood;
- A Book of Sketches by Aleister Crowley With an Introduction by David Tibet, and Keith Richmond;
- The True and Perfect Preparation of the Philosopher's Stone, by the Brotherhood of the Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross. by Sigmund Richter [Sincerus Renatus], Edited and Introduced by Dr. R.A. Gilbert;
- The Art of Rosaleen Norton with Poems by Gavin Greenless. by Rosaleen Norton and Gavin Greenlees, Edited by Keith Richmond;
- A Magus Among the Adepts. Essays and Addresses. by William Wynn Westcott, Edited and Introduced by Dr. R.A. Gilbert;
- The Secrets of The Kaula Circle: A Tale of Fictitious People Faithfully Recounting Strange Rites Still Practised by this Cult. Followed by a translation of a very old MS. on The Science of Health. by Elizabeth Sharpe, Introduced by Dr. David Templeman;
- Foundation Letters and Teachings by Brother XII (Edward Arthur Wilson), With a Foreword by John Oliphant;
- Clavis Arcana Magica by Frederick Hockley with an Introduction by Alan Thorogood;
- The Kabbalah, Magick, and Thelema. Selected Writings. Volume II, by Phyllis Seckler (Soror Meral), Edited by Dr. David
Shoemaker, Gregory Peters and Rorac Johnson, and with a Foreword by Lon Milo DuQuette.
- A Book of the Offices of Spirits. The Occult Virtue of Plants and Some Rare Magical Charms & Spells Transcribed ... from a Sixteenth
Century Manuscript on Magic and Necromancy. From a manuscript by John Porter, transcribed by Frederick Hockley,With an Introduction by Colin D. Campbell;
- Abraham the Jew on Magic Talismans. (To be engraven on the Seals of Rings made of various metals, under the influence of the Fixed Stars
and the Twenty-eight Mansions of the Moon)
From a manuscript by Frederick Hockley, With an Introduction by Silens Manus;
- The Times Deceas'd. The Rare Book Department of the Times Bookshop in the 1960's., by Timothy d'Arch
- Aleister Crowley, The Golden Dawn and Buddhism: Reminiscences and Writings of Gerald Yorke, Edited by Keith
Richmond, with contributions by David Tibet, Timothy d'Arch Smith and Clive Harper,
- A Book of Automatic Drawing by Austin Osman Spare, with an Introduction by Ian Law (reissued from the original Catalpa Press edition of 1973);
- The Authentic Red Dragon (Le Véritable Dragon Rouge)Translated by Joshua A. Wentworth, With an
Introduction by Silens Manus;
- Lunar and Sex Worship by Ida Craddock, Edited and with an Introduction by Vere Chappell;
- The Thoth Tarot, Astrology & Other Selected Writings by Phyllis Seckler (Soror Meral), Edited and
with an Introduction by Dr. David Shoemaker, Gregory Peters and Rorac Johnson;
- Brother Curwen, Brother Crowley by Aleister Crowley & David Curwen,
Edited and with an Introduction by Henrik Bogdan and a Foreword by Tony Matthews;
Invocating by Magic Crystals and Mirrors by Frederick Hockley with an Introduction by R. A. Gilbert;
- Three Macabre Stories by Rosaleen Norton, Edited and With an Introduction by Keith Richmond;
- Thorn in the Flesh. A Grim-Memoire by Rosaleen Norton, Edited and With an Introduction by Keith Richmond;
- The Progradior Correspondence, Letters by Aleister Crowley, Frank Bennett, C. Stansfeld Jones, & Others, Edited and With an Introduction by Keith Richmond;
- The Rosicrucian Seer. Magical Writings of Frederick Hockley, Edited and With a biographical Introduction by John Hamill and with a Chapter on Hockley's Manuscripts, and a Note on Hockley as an Astrologer by R.
A. Gilbert;
- Occult Spells. A Nineteenth Century Grimoire by Frederick Hockley, with an Introduction by Silens Manus;
- A Book of Shadows, Transcribed and with Artwork and Embellishments by pan.zos pagurus;
- A Concordance to the Holy Books of Thelema, Edited & With an Introduction by Colin D. Campbell and a
Foreword by Dr. Richard Kaczynski;
- Sepher Maphteah Shelomoh (Book of the Key of Solomon) Edited and with Introductions by Hermann
Gollancz, and a Foreword by Stephen Skinner;
- Three Essays on Freedom by John 'Jack' Whiteside Parsons and with an Introduction by Hymenaeus Beta;
- A Complete Book of Magic Sciences by Frederick Hockley with an Introduction by Dietrich Bergman.
- Inside Solar Lodge, Outside the Law, by Frater Shiva
Teitan Press currently have a number of other works in progress, with two more scheduled for release in 2019. Whilst we plan to maintain the
specialization on Aleister Crowley and related works, we also intend to broaden our focus to include serious works, both reprint and original, on a
variety of other aspects of the Western Hermetic tradition.
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